October 23, 2010

Fun Facts

Recycling a 3 foot stack of newspapers can save one whole tree.

A group of crows is called a “murder.”  
- This name came about because a group of crows will sometimes kill a dying crow.

Justin Bieber can solve a Rubik's Cube in less than 2 minutes.
- Justin Bieber Solving Rubix Cube

The smallest human penis ever recorded was roughly 1 cm long.
- condition known as a "micropenis"

The 2008 film The Women did not feature a single male actor.

According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, you age slightly faster standing on a staircase than you would on the floor below. 
- In a nutshell, when an object experiences a stronger gravitational pull, time is also slowed down to a small extent.

About 400 billion gallons of water are used worldwide every day. 

We are closer to outer space than we are to the center of the Earth.
- Outer space begins 62 miles above the surface. The Earth’s core is 3,963 miles below ground.

You can't hum while holding your nose closed.

Did You Know You Share A Birthday With At Least Nine Million Other People In The World?

Alfred Hitchcock Did Not Have A Belly Button.

More Than 2500 Left Handed People Are Killed Every Year From Using Right Handed Products


Justin Bieber LOL.

And I like the 400 billion gallons of water used everyday, and the nine million people share your birthday.

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